My name is Marsha and I'm a blogger. (Audience:) Hellooooo, Marsha. There I said it. Creating a blog has been on my never ending mental to do list for, oh, about the last six or seven years. In addition to my love of writing and my love of funny, my love (or rather my inescapable character flaw) of procrastination is simply a huge component of my genetic makeup.
Being that this is my long awaited inaugural blog, it's probably best to preeminently expound upon my title choice . I've always been drawn to funny people. In fact, one of the first ways I size people up is generally by their sense of humor. There's nothing more annoying than people who just doesn't laugh at themselves, or see the funny in all of our lives, and clearly can't even understand the sarcastic or witty tone. In fact, I'm sure you no-sense-of-humor scholarly types are already thinking, "I guess they'll let anyone blog these days when the writer makes such an egregious grammatical error as to use funny as a noun instead of an adjective." The fact that I choose to do that is, of itself, FUNNY. I love funny. All things funny. And, in my world, the obscure, inane, irreverant, and the sarcastic are all one big Funny. So, if in future blogs, you hear me refer to Funny, please know that yes, I realize the difference between an adjective and a noun, and by creating my own noun out of funny, I am only reinforcing my love of funny and funny itself.
How in the world, you wonder, are Funny and Acid Bath remotely inclusive? Thanks for asking and let me explain: One of the first friends I ever met in college was someone to whom I was drawn immediately mainly for her funny. Lisa lived in my freshman dorm on the floor below me and I immediately noticed her dry, sarcastic sense of humor. She was extremely quick witted and most of her running commentary centered on making fun of all the bad or unfortunate things in her life. Being that we were carefree college kids, with honestly not a legitimate worry in the world, her observations and dilemmas were all the more funny since, let's face it, they were pretty insignificant in the big scheme of things. Lisa's favorite mantra, which we all heard daily was, "My Life Is An Acid Bath." This would have been translated as "I lost my student ID," "I slept through my exam," "I'm too hungover to function," or "I got black-balled from sorority rush." It became one of those catch phrases in college that my entire circle of friends used quite liberally to pretty much describe every situation. I'm now fairly positive Lisa was ahead of her time coining what was arguably the original version of "FML", which is now so wildly popular with the younger generation that there are entire websites devoted to it. Had the internet even existed when we were in college, I'm sure Lisa would now grace the Forbes list, having made millions from her website. Assuming Lisa filed no copyright or trademark protecting her slogan, I will be attempting to immortalize her words, and pay tribute to her funny and hopefully the funny in all of our lives that inevitably exists in the world of family, love, employment and pretty much every aspect of life, the happy and the sad.
I will conclude my first blog, but preface all the rest, by proclaiming that NO, my life really isn't an acid bath. Let's just put that out there in the open before I receive angry comments pointing out that we have starving people in Africa and soldiers sleeping on dirt in Iraq when I am complaining that my kids suck or the fact that my gas station is a cluster f#*k which never seems to have pumps available on the side I need them. I GET all this, and in fact, it's because of all the serious, horrible issues in our world that we all need to take a little time to laugh, even if through another whiny blog on irrelevant annoyances. And, if my life isn't full of enough stressors, I've apparently just strapped a 50lb weight to my back, by now adding the pressure of having to come up with something fairly humorous to write about every so often. It's a least a tad ironic that the pressure of writing in "my life is an acid bath blog" may actually contribute to making my life an acid bath now, but thank god blogging deadlines are self imposed! I hope I live up to the expectation....Peace and Love to all during the Holiday Season.
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